Funeral Videography & Video Services

When a loved one passes, you will likely wish to give them a send-off fitting for the life they led. Our funeral videography & video recording services are here to help create a lasting memory that you can cherish forever.

Each funeral or memorial service is a unique and important event. From video recording footage to polished and edited videography, we tailor our services to suit you, so we would love to speak to you to find out exactly what it is you’re looking for. Please do get in touch for a no-obligation chat.

A man placing flowers on a grave
church streaming services
church streaming services
church streaming services
church streaming services

Our Services

Funeral Video RecordingS

Simple footage of the full service with light edits

From £470

Starting with capturing the arrival of the funeral procession (or within the church, if that’s your preference), we will include the full funeral or memorial service. By taking an approach with few cuts and edits, we create a video that is true to the feel of the day. An ideal option for those who want to be able to look back on the day once emotions have settled or share it with those who cannot be there.

At your request, we can also include coverage at the family home, the committal and the wake.

Edited Funeral Videography

Crafted, edited videos with a more ‘produced’ feel

From £640

Allow our professional and discreet funeral videographers to carefully create a video of the service to commemorate your loved one. We capture the full service on multiple camera angles and combine the footage with scene-setting shots and music to create a lovely tribute to your loved one, perfect to share with family and friends.

As with all of our options, we can tailor our service to suit you, covering as much or as little of the day as you like.

What to Expect from your Funeral Video

We will arrive early to the venue and start filming right away. As we wait for guests to arrive we’ll spend time capturing the venue and surrounds. Especially if the venue holds sentimental value, then there will be plenty for us to do. 

As guests gather and await the funeral procession we will discreetly and sensitively start capturing the feel of the occasion. Our approach is one that doesn’t interrupt the flow of the day. We are there to create something special for you to keep and not make the day uncomfortable by having a camera in guests faces.

Read our What To Expect Guide to find out more >

Videoing a funeral service in front of a beautiful tree in England

Each Funeral Video Service Includes:

  • An experienced videographer who will be smartly dressed, operating discreetly and sensitively
  • Full HD cameras and multiple microphones to capture the service just as though you were there in person
  • A private and bespoke viewing page designed to reflect your loved one (example)
  • 12 months of hosting of the funeral video (this can be extended, for free, at your request)
  • 100 miles of travel
  • A downloadable copy of the video to keep

We’re always more than happy to work alongside other professionals, venue staff, photographers and videographers to ensure everything runs smoothly on the day, and so you can rest assured that everything is being handled well.

Funeral VIDEOGRAPHY & live stream PACKAGE

There are many benefits to booking a professional funeral live stream alongside a funeral videographer. Firstly, and most importantly, you can share your private viewing page with those who cannot be there on the day. Allowing them to still say goodbye in their own way.

Secondly, having a video filmed and edited can often be a lengthy process. As soon as the live stream ends you can watch it back in its entirety. We often hear from our clients that they will watch the service back the same day, as soon as they get home.

We include a 10% discount off of our total price when booking both a videography service and a professional live stream.

Get in Touch

Every funeral is different, and we want to make sure we’re in tune with what you would like, so please get in touch with our team to see what we can do for you.