Bristol & Somerset Funeral Streaming and Videography
Our funeral streaming and videography services in Bristol & Somerset allow loved ones from afar to privately pay their respects, as well as providing video footage for families and friends to watch back afterwards. We provide a respectful, high-quality service and we’re proud to truly make a difference to people’s lives.
Viewers are able to watch the live stream through a private web link, or at a later time if they are unable to access during the live time. Recorded on-site by our discreet camera operators with professional grade equipment, our Bristol funeral streaming services capture the little moments and touches to help viewers feel as though they are there. We provide a range of camera, location and playback options, to be as flexible as possible for you during this difficult time.
Bristol Funeral Streaming & Videography Services
Whether you’re using a smartphone or renting equipment from us, our ‘Stream a Funeral Yourself’ service can be a great way to include friends and family overseas while still keeping many of the benefits from our professional live stream service.
This package includes streaming support from our friendly team, and allows you to stream to our private enterprise-grade server via a smartphone app for both iOS and Android; giving you the same privacy and easy playback after the service is over.
Broadcast the service live with beautiful HD video and audio. Our professional live stream packages include a live camera operator and a streaming support team. We’ll be the eyes and ears for anyone who can’t be there on the day – handling everything.
Our Bristol funeral streaming services can capture the funeral service only, service and burial/cremation, or can provide a bespoke package to cover additional locations.
Our Bristol funeral videography services are designed to be as unobtrusive and respectful as possible. We are there to create something special for you to keep, not to interrupt the flow of the day or make the day uncomfortable by having a camera in guests’ faces. We can tailor the video to reflect particular details or locations.
Each person’s requirements are different, so we would love to speak to you to find out exactly what it is you’re looking for. Get in touch for a no obligation chat about what is possible using our Bristol funeral videography services.
Bristol Funeral Streaming & Videography
With over 30 years of live stream and video expertise, you can take comfort in knowing that you’re in good hands. Whether you’re looking for a Bristol funeral streaming service that simply documents the service, or a multi-HD camera videography service that covers multiple venues and bespoke video editing, we’re flexible to your requirements. We are here to help create a perfect tribute to your loved one. We know this will be a difficult time, so we’re here to take the stress off of your shoulders and we’re always just a phone call away.
Every professional live stream includes:
- An experienced professional and discreet funeral live stream crew
- Access to a reliable, professional grade funeral live streaming platform
- A private and bespoke viewing page designed to reflect your loved one
- Full HD cameras and microphones to capture crystal clear video and audio
- Indefinite hosting of the funeral live stream service
- 100 included miles of travel
- A downloadable copy of the funeral to keep
We include a 10% discount off of our total price when booking both a videography service and a professional live stream.
“5-star plus for the streaming service. Excellent communication and professionalism. Hired to record & stream my Ma’s farewell day service and I was not disappointed. Kind and friendly staff. I would highly recommend this company. Thank you” – Angela Sheridan-Hunt
“I would like to thank Funeral Streaming for their professionalism and unobtrusiveness at my father’s funeral. They were marvellous on the day. They were a great help before the service. And my father’s family and friends across the UK and Ireland have expressed their gratitude at the high-quality coverage which allowed them to feel fully part of the occasion.” – Mark Murphy
We’re incredibly proud to have received over 300 five-star reviews, read more here.
Examples of Bristol & Somerset Locations We've Filmed At
The Funeral Streaming team covers all areas of Bristol & Somerset, all types of funerals and all places of worship. If you have any queries, please do get in touch with our friendly team.
All Saint's Church, Shepton Mallet
Memorial Woodlands, Bristol
St John's Church, Keynsham
Sacred Heart Church, Bristol
St David's Church, Somerton
St. Andrew's Church, Clevedon
St. John's Church, Trowbridge
St Peter's Church, Hornblotton
St Leonard, Frome
Talk to one of our team
We’re here to help and completely appreciate that funeral live streaming can be a little daunting. If you have any questions please visit our FAQ section or get in touch, we’re more than happy to talk you through the whole process to make sure you are totally comfortable with how it all works.