
Date of funeral: 18 November 2021

I recently used the Stream Yourself platform and was very happy and impressed. Paying for the in-person option wasn’t an option for us and I knew the church we were using had reasonable wifi. With my old Samsung S7, a cheap tripod and my BOYA lapel microphone I was able to stream a very good quality service to lots of friends and family who couldn’t make it. The feedback we got was fantastic from those watching remotely.

I found it easy to setup and the customer service was good. I would suggest though that if you’re not really that tech savvy, this might be add a bit more stress than you might want, but if you’re pretty comfortable with technology then it’s definitely a great option.


If I ever had to do this again I would certainly use the service. Good work guys for making something that is more affordable and more private than using social media.